
“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”

My Classes

My classes provide a non-judgmental and compassionate space for you to discover the depth of quietness and calm beneath your busy mind. Through slow, embodied, somatic movement, and an awareness of your breath, a yielding and a softening can be found. I integrate slow vinyasa flow sequences, with longer yin yoga holds, and breathing exercises, along with yoga nigra, meditation and relaxation.

I weave threads through my classes, to create stories for your mind and body to relate and soften to. Through my experience and training in trauma, I add somatic practices and tools to help regulate your nervous system, and create space for you to start to learn the language of your body.

People sometimes say to me that they are ‘not flexible’, and therefore ‘aren’t very good’ at yoga. I always reply that the only thing you really need in order to practice yoga is a flexible mind. And if you don’t, yet, have a flexible mind, yoga can help you to develop that too.

I am passionate about the power of slowing down and BE-ing. It is a practice, and one that I love to share with people.

Why Yoga?

My yoga practice started over 30 years ago. It has been a constant resource for me during this time, and has allowed me to access many ancient and beautiful practices of movement, breath and insight. It has been my friend in times of stress, as well as during periods of growth, and has allowed me to discover depths of being that have exponentially expanded my sense of place in the world, and within myself. Yoga philosophy and meditation play a large part in how I relate to my life, myself and to others.

Regulating our nervous systems is a key component to not only healing trauma, but also for finding ease, flow and happiness in our lives. Yoga and meditation are both practices which help to become aware of, and to develop a ‘witness state’. This strengthens the brain’s capacity to listen to our body’s sensations which helps with top-down regulation. Bottom-up regulation involves recalibrating our autonomic nervous system, by working directly with the brain stem. This part of the brain can be accessed through breath and movement. It can also be accessed by touch and through working with Somatic Experiencing®

Book a Class

All of my classes are 60 minutes long, and are held online on Zoom.

Please check my Instagram page for class announcements as well as information about upcoming workshops.

Book a 1:1 Session

All sessions are 60 minutes long, and can be held online on Zoom, or in person in my studio in London (the nearest tube is Highbury and Islington).

For more information about 1:1 sessions, please contact me